How are we all today?! Well as you can all tell that I was transferred and that is why I’m writing a day late. It was really sad to leave Coite, I spent the most time on my mission in Coite! I have a lot of good friends and memories there but I’m learning when the Lord calls we just do and we don’t hesitate. I was transferred to a city called Senhor do Bom Fim. It is located in between mountains and is a really pretty city. I am very excited to serve here, I have only heard really good things about this area. I’m sure many of you are dying to know who my companion is and his name is Elder Sato, he is from Sao Paulo but his dad is actually Japanese (funny how Japan is a common theme for my companions) I have also only heard good things about him so I am very excited for this transfer lets just see where things go!
So I’m trying to think of things to say because I forgot the paper, which has what I wanted to say. I do have some fun stories from the past few weeks that I have missed. First a baptism! We baptized a woman named Vivianne, her husband and sisters are already members but she --for a long time wanted nothing to do with the church. One day she came to church and told us she felt like God was telling her she needed to get baptized so we began teaching her and two weeks later she was baptized. She is such an amazing woman and it was very sweet to be able to complete this family. Now they are working on preparing to go to the temple! How exciting is that?! Story number two, I found a person who really doesn’t like me! So it all started on a Sunday afternoon while were eating lunch I walked into the kitchen to get some food and as soon as this littler girl saw my face she started screaming and crying and throwing her silverware. The only thing that calmed her down was when her mom turned her face away from me. I thought dang that’s weird she must just be cranky... nope a few days later we were teaching a lesson and the little girl walked into the room, saw me and started crying and whining at me so we had to wrap up the lesson fast and leave it was very sad! But wait you say two times could just be a coincidence. OK, yes, I’ll give you that, but want more? A few days later we walked into a house for lunch and this little girl who was ALL the way on the other side of the house saw a GLIMPSE of my face and started screaming and crying it was the most bizarre and kind of really sad thing of my life. All the Elders were saying it was because I picked on her in the pre-existence but I just don’t see me doing that. Do you?
Finally my last story I think I told you how zone conference have been moved to every other transfer we on the off transfer we have what’s called a special training were a district or a few districts get to have training essentially one on one with the president and it was a really cool training this past meeting as we got to role play and get feedback right from president. Mission Presidents are some of the coolest people in the world. Just one look into their eyes make you want to get to work and go out and baptize the world. The church has put out a new training to go along with Preach My Gospel and as we have been applying it in our work it has just been amazing. I truly know that this work is really important. I have a testimony of Jesus Christ. I love that everyday I get to go out and testify that He lives as an authorized representative. It is amazing, I love it, and I hope you love it too this amazing gospel that we have!
I hope you all have a great week and keep smiling because life’s too short to live it another way!
Love, Elder Mender
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