First off, sorry that it has been so long since I have written. Life is just crazy this transfer! For example, today we spent all day helping a Returned Missionary (RM) who has decided he wants to open up a snack bar here in Brasil. But he wants it to be only with American snacks so today we showed him how to make cookies, seven layer bars, haystacks, and chocolate oatmeal cookies. I don’t want to brag but I am a dang good cook!! They all turned out pretty tasty and it’s not just me saying that, it’s everyone who tried them!!! But to give credit where credit is due, thank you Sister Crossett for your recipe book! You have saved my life so many times here in Brasil and perhaps helped a returned missionary start a thriving business here in Brasil! So that was one fun P-day!!

This week has been a lot of fun. We have had a lot of amazing lessons. We are teaching a girl named Vanikelly, who the first time she prayed she didn’t feel anything, but the second time when we asked her she had a light in her face as she said my prayer was so much better! She has a desire to get baptized but will have to overcome her whole family that doesn’t want her to get baptized. It is so sad to see people who want to do what’s right but then their families don’t help them. I have learned that we all have obstacles to face and I hope she has the strength to overcome this one and be baptized into this amazing church! We have another family we have been teaching who are just amazing when we gave him the Book of Mormon he took it, and with a big smile on his face, he said, I will read it , I will find out if it’s true! That was a really cool lesson we have some awesome lessons this week where we walked out and said, "man that was amazing I think they were really supposed to hear that." We are really hopeful for this month and this transfer. One crazy you know you’re in Brasil moment….. is when went to go teach an investigator and when we knocked on the door his mom answered and we asked where he was ,and she said casually , that he was in jail.... oh cool. When will he back? Monday? Ok we will come back Monday.... it was crazy but at least we can teach him again on Monday right?
Well as busy as this week has been I cant think of a lot of stories to tell so I think I will call it good and hopefully you will get the pictures I sent as well. Have a great week and I love you all! Until next week.
Elder Mender
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